Primary One Report

While my son was counting down the days to the school holidays, I was counting beans. I counted his final test scores and derived an equivalent PSLE score of 188!! This means that he is ...

The Rigours of Parenting

Saturday’s papers reported that Singapore needs 30,000 immigrants every year just to sustain productivity. This is because we are not giving birth to enough children, at a total fertility rate of 1.24, we are barely ...

A Financial Stocktake

Money and numbers is in my blood. It has been since the day I chose Commerce as my course of education in college. I did surprisingly well – having no issues differentiating between the debits ...

A Melting Pot

Time is 5.30pm and it is Joel’s third day in primary school, a new phase of his life which marks his growing independence. While waiting for the teachers to dismiss their precious flock, I am ...

Mass or Alternative Tourism

Despite my enthusiasm, it still takes two days of procrastination to begin study proper. After my commencement ceremony five years ago, I had happily left the academics behind me but one just cannot escape the life-long learning adage. Contemporary Tourism: An ...