How to form a strategy

My new director joined us in early May and since then she’s been on a tight deadline of 3 months to gather her troops together and formulate a coherent strategy for the newly formed Communications Division. ...

Identity Crisis

Since the day the bomb dropped on me exactly one month ago, I, who was always sure of who I am, am not so sure anymore. After much prayer and affirmation, I decided to take up ...

Art of War

I am feeling extremely euphoric now. It has been more than a year since I had the sudden dreadful realisation that so many things about my department is wrong especially in the area of management. ...

Understanding the other person

I attended a supervisory management course today on effective communication, goal setting, delegation, motivation, performance appraisal and coaching. The material centers around the DISC psychometric profiling of ourselves and the people around us. We were taught the ...