Next came C-S-S
After fiddling with HTML for several days, I needed another book to help me expand my knowledge of website building. So it was another trip back to the library.
While I pride myself on being able to pick up new knowledge quickly, there were certain limitations to it and they ended with programming. Still there was just one more element required to complete my crash course in website creation. The use of CSS – Cascading Style Sheet as this was essential to site design and formatting.
Creating a Website: The Missing Manual by Matthew MacDonald is quite the gem of a book for this purpose and I highly recommend it to those learning to create a website with absolute zilch knowledge.
Instead of using <table> to format my page, I learned the preferable usage of <div> tag for this purpose.
I also downloaded CoffeeCup Free HTML Editor as the book advocated using a proper HTML editor as opposed to notepad. (I was not going to sink $200 in an Abode Dreamweaver software since this wasn’t going to be my profession.)
But what use was a website if it wasn’t available on the world wide web?
The book suggested a list of companies that could help me accomplish that. After making a few comparisons, I settled for GoDaddy (which you can see is featuring prominently at the top banner). Since I wasn’t aware of my future needs, I decided on the economy plan which provided 10 GB space and 300 GB bandwidth for USD 4.99 per month.
I was pleasantly surprised that GoDaddy is offering domain name registration for as low as USD 1.99 for a one-year period so I did a search on Bring Me It was already taken but as the site was non-existent, I decided I could make do with Bring Me And since the investment was minimal, I decided why not?
And so Bring Me went live on 17th Oct 2009!