Back to School?
In his book, Dave Taylor advocates the use of blog as a means to have fresh new content on your website. The more frequently you update your site, the more frequently Googlebot pays a visit. In fact, the more relevant content your website has, the more potential links to it as well.
So I started on this blog, once again another free product compliment of GoDaddy. I had initially wanted to write about my philosophical thoughts on travelling and recent trends but really who reads such stuff? I couldn’t even bring myself to finish writing my first draft.
So I decided heck, why not write about my experiences starting up this business? Maybe someone else might be inspired to pursue his/her dreams? And perhaps if people realise how seriously I am taking this venture, they might find it easier to trust me too?
Yes it all boils down to trust.
Anyway back to my problem of not knowing enough about the tourism industry. I did contemplate taking up a second degree or masters in Hospitality and Tourism but will that make me more credible?
So it was back to the library again. There is actually a whole section devoted to Tourism under the Dewey Decimal System number 338.4. I feel like I am back in University again doing research. Not just ‘How to’ books but real textbook kinda material.
Oh well no venture no gain I suppose.