Where is ‘there’?

When I first started my website Bring Me There, it was meant to promote travelling independently and to encourage people to adopt this style of travelling. By sharing my own experiences, I wanted readers to recognise ...

Hello WordPress!

How cool it is to be able to blog from just about anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. Ok easier perhaps if you own an iphone but for me this is simply phenomenal. ...

Leaving Paris for home

I put my basic French to good use today when the the grouchy and old fashioned innkeeper initially overcharged us for our stay at Hotel de la Loire. The hotel itself is a pretty and cozy place located ...

Nice to Venice

Although we woke early to catch our 10am train bounded for Milan, we ended up hopping on just before it left the platform. Yes it was another morning mad rush through the city and Theo was not ...

From Arles to Nice

 I was actually quite sad to leave Arles because it held so much promise for a good R & R vacation but my travel plans did not leave room for changes. Yet I was also ...

Arles and around

Although I would have appreciated waking up later today since we need not rush, the sun was already shining brightly in the sky by 7am. The sky turned truly black only close to 10pm the day before, ...

Paris CDG to Arles

The start of our first full day in France came earlier than I wanted. Joel woke up at 5 am local time and couldn’t go back to sleep. After trying to catch a few more moments ...