Happy Birthday BMC
Today my church celebrated their 58th anniversary. When you think about it, it’s kinda weird to wish a church happy birthday because the church is made of its people, definitely more than just the physical building.
Anyway the pastor gave a sermon about Christians being more than conquerors, and we overcome the world. Without a battle, how do we get victory, without suffering, how do we overcome? Life is never meant to be a bed of roses. But what struck me particularly is how much about what I am now and my achievements is due to God.
I guess if I had met success early in my career, I will never be so grateful to Him. But having known how weak I am and how God’s power is made evident in my weaknesses, I am greatly awed and very grateful.
Lao Pa says that our colleagues think that I am different. Didn’t explain what but I am glad to know that perhaps the difference seen could somehow be attributed to God. I hope to be a good testimony. Otherwise whatever I may accomplish is useless.
Once again my passion for missions arose again. I really want to go on Doulos. But can I bear being away from loved ones for full 8 weeks while the ship sail around the world? It will be a dream come true…