More sleepless nights

After the initial excitement of publishing my website and visiting it three times a day at the minimum, I pursued relentlessly to complete the initial framework. In addition to submitting my url on Google, The Missing ...

Next came C-S-S

After fiddling with HTML for several days, I needed another book to help me expand my knowledge of website building. So it was another trip back to the library. While I pride myself on being ...

Bring Me Where?

When you are inspired, apparently you can do with very little sleep. I spent the last four nights working on my website. I probably clocked about 3 hours of sleep each.  On 12th Oct, I added a ...

The town of Ba

p>Next on the alphabetical list, we introduce a town called Ba (pronounce uhm-BAH as sometimes spelled as Mba). Ba is an agricultural service town on NW Viti Levu, the largest and most important of the ...

Å Welcome!

Welcome to my world! Everyday I will look up a location on the map and attempt to introduce the place from several brief perspectives. Å (pronounced AW) is the first place listed on the Columbia Gazetteer ...